How Skin Rolling Can Improve Breathing and Mobility

Your rib cage angle and found that it’s quite narrow? There’s a good chance you are an ab Gripper. This very well could mean that your myofascial is very tight and needs to be released so the ribs are able to be positioned in a more neutral position.

Skin rolling and cupping is a great way to release the fascia to allow more movement and mobility in the ribs.

I think of Tight fascia like a tight shirt it’s going to affect your mobility.

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8 Myths About Diastasis Recti

This month I am focusing on diastasis recti (DR). So many women experience DR after pregnancy and don’t know how to work on fixing it or what it even means. Maybe you have googled it and found contradicting information and are left confused and overwhelmed. This newsletter will help you understand what DR is and some myths about it.

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